The School is owned by Westminster Abbey, which is absolutely committed to maintaining a specialist choir school and subsidising its running costs very considerably. The management, control and direction of the School is the responsibility of a Governing Body which includes several members, independent of the Abbey, who bring specialist experience and advice.
Governors meet in full once a term. The two sub-committees (Education & Policy and Finance & General Purposes) also meet at least termly and report to the Board.
Just as important as the formal meetings are opportunities for governors to visit the school regularly to see, at first hand, all that goes on. Governors have very genuine responsibilities to oversee the well-being of the school and its professional operation, including its compliance with all relevant legislation and educational best practice; they take great pride in this responsibility.
The Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle KCVO MBE (Chairman)
Dean of Westminster
The Reverend David Stanton
Sub-Dean and Canon Treasurer
The Right Reverend Anthony Ball
Archdeacon and Canon Steward
The Reverend Dr James Hawkey
Canon Theologian and Almoner
The Reverend Mark Birch
Canon Rector and Chaplain to the Speaker
Mr Paul Baumann CBE
Chapter Clerk and Receiver General
Mr Robert Gullifer
Independent Governor
Dame Jane Glover
Independent Governor
Mrs Lucy Shaw
Independent Governor (former parent)
Mrs Angela Henderson
Independent Governor (former parent)
Mrs Josephine Ziwa
Parent Governor
In attendance:
The Headteacher - Dr Emma Margrett
The Organist and Master of the Choristers - Mr Andrew Nethsingha
School Business Manager - Ms Vanessa Adair